3 Idols of My Life Who Inspires Me All The Way

For me Idol is a person, I admire and love to follow for their special characteristics.

I have some idols in my life from many sectors whom I am trying to follow. But when it comes to a specific number of persons, I have become confused to make a shortlist.

However, I have had a top three of my idols whose characteristics attract me the most.

First of My List: Hazrat Muhammad (S)

Hazrat Muhammad (S) has uncountable qualities to follow. Among all of his qualities, I love his truthfulness and commitment, the most. From his life, we know he never tells a lie which is very amazing and influential in today’s world of a lie. He is also committed to his word. As a result, his enemies also believe that if Muhammad says something it will definitely happen. Even his enemies keep their wealth to him for safety.

Second of My List: My Mother

Mom is my idol for consistency and sacrifices. Life creates hurdles in every spare but she does not leave her doing to overcome them and make the hurdles overcome in her habit. Mother sacrifices for children are common but her sacrifices for others inspire me. I can still remember, in my childhood when we were in the lower middle class, she never hesitated to help others even though she knew that there would be no return or refund.

Third of My List: My Husband

My husband is another idol in my life for patience and hard work. I have never found a person in my life who has the patience for everything like him. I especially observed this quality when he has a great failure in his career in the last of 2017. At that time, I have seen how much patience a person could have to compete with the greatest failure in life and how much effort to give to turn the greatest failure into a great success in life within a year. His hard work and patience are really inspiring to me.

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