Autobiography of SABIRAH ISLAM

I am Sabirah Islam. I was born on 26 August 1991in Gopalgonj in my maternal grandparents’ house. A few months after my birth, my family moved to Dhaka. I am the eldest child of my parents. My father Mr. Munshi Shahidul Islam was a Showroom Manager of Bata Limited and he died on 24 January 2013.

My mother Mrs. Nazmun Nahar is a retired school teacher. She has been working as a senior teacher at Islami Adarsha High School for around 30 years. My only younger brother Mr. Munshi Sajidul Islam graduated from EEE at Dhaka University.

My husband Mr. K. M. Ehsan Morshed Rana is working as a QA head in Newgen Pharmaceuticals located in Srilanka. My twin baby Saadat Morshed and Saabit Morshed are 19 months old now.

These days, I am working as a content strategist in weDevs.

Very Early Days of My Childhood

Like the other girl’s from the middle class, my childhood was common. I lived every day in the same routine. As my father was an employee of Bata Store in Mirpur 1, I found my family lived in Mirpur 2 behind Sony Cinema Hall from the day I started understanding.

I can still remember that my father went out for walking very early in the morning to the National Botanical Garden. I was a primary kid at that time. On the weekends, sometimes I joined my father for a walk. One of my favorite activities was to collect Night-flowering Jasmine (Sheuli). I loved to go there with my father.

Primary School Life: I Wish I Could Never be There

People wish to get back into childhood life, but I am different in that case. I love today’s life more than my childhood because of the freedom I am enjoying now. I passed a childhood with so many rules and restrictions, that I don’t like.

In primary school life, I had to wake up very early in the morning and got properly dressed up for school. My mother often woke me up forcefully and prepared me for school. One of the things I hate most was the assembly in school, especially during the hot weather. I was a bright student from the beginning. I had to learn singing for my mother’s interest which I really hate. I wished to attend dance class but my parents dislike it.

In school, we played a number of interesting games like Bauchi, Daria bandha, Sindur toaktuki, etc. It was the part I enjoyed most about my primary school.

In school life, I wanted to be the senior for having freedom. When any prominent or renowned person came to visit our school we decorated our school grounds like a festive. We showed the guard of honor to the prominent person who visited our school.

I cannot remember the exact year in my primary school when I participated and won an essay competition. I was selected for the district level but my parents did not permit me to go there. I can remember that evening when they decided my fate. A local newspaper in Dhaka wrote a small article about me.

Birth of My Younger Brother

My younger brother Mr. Munshi Sajidul Islam was born in January 1998 when I was a student in class four. Suddenly everything changed as he started getting more attention from my parents. I was jealous and started thinking of him a competitor of mine.

As the days passed, we became the best buddy and partners at the crime scene. Together we did a lot of things. Still, we do a lot and share most of the things with one another. It gives us relief from bearing anything.

Extended Family Culture

I was born and grew up in an extended family where we lived with my paternal uncles, aunts, and grandmother. My grandfather died when I was only ten months.

Being a member of an extended family, I had three cousins sisters of the same age- Rifa, Brishty, Mukta. Together we laughed, cried, sleep, enjoy, etc. In short, we lived our life together. Once all of the families started growing, our extended family became nuclear. It was the year 1997 when we started living in a separate house. Still, I feel that separation created some distance.

However, my parents, uncles, and aunts tried a lot to create an environment so that their children did not feel the distance. We had a family get-together every month in any of our relative’s houses. That days were like EID to us.

Last Breath of My Grandmothers

In the year 2001, both my maternal and paternal grandmother died within a day difference.

My maternal grandmom was a patient with colon cancer. She was very sick for more than five years. My maternal uncles, especially, the eldest brother of my mom who is a doctor, tried very hard to save my grandmother. But the result was common. After several months of sickness, she departed her soul.

My paternal grandmother died naturally. She was quite healthy and fit. Just on the next evening of my maternal grandmom’s death, my paternal grandmom got prepared for her Magrib prayer and suddenly felt sick. In front of me and one of my elder cousin sister, grandmother breathed her last. All these happened within just half an hour. It was a great shock to our family.

At that noon, all of our family members went to our village in Kotalipara, Gopalgonj to burring her.

Especial Events and Occasions

Unlike these days, we celebrate only a few occasions in a year. The major occasions were the EID. In our time, there was a culture of exchanging EID cards which I loved very much. Most often my father bought EID cards for me a few days before Eid day which I exchanged with my friends and cousins.

As the eldest child, I was very close to my parents. Till his death, my father bought a new dress for me in each EID even when I had started earning by myself.

On the night before EID, we used to procession in our area. On Eid day, we went to our relatives’ house with our parents or sometimes by ourselves where we were entertained with various delicious dishes.

My mom often designed dresses for me and stitched them by herself. She had a sewing machine at that time.

Like now, my birthday was the favorite event of my life. Till my seventh birthday, it was celebrated as the most beautiful event in my family. On my birthday, I waited in the morning for the birthday cake which my father brought in the afternoon from Prince. Like today, Mr. Baker and Coopers were not so much available.

The whole house takes a festive look with balloons and colored paper. I got presents from my relatives but I loved the gift from my father.

Still, my mom cooks my favorite foods on my birthday.

Annual Visit to My Grandparent’s House and Our Village

It was a routine tour for me to visit my maternal grandparent’s house once a year which is in Gopalgonj Sadar. My maternal uncles always entertained me with the famous sweet of Gopalgonj which I love most till today.

After two to three days, we often visited my father’s village in Kotalipara. It was the time when I enjoyed most in my childhood. My father did not give a restriction on my movement in my village. But the days were not more than a week at a time.

We returned to Gopalgonj Sadar from my native village and stayed for another two to three days before returning to Dhaka.

Life in the High School

This was comparatively better than my childhood days when I got some freedom than earlier. These days, I started understanding many things. For my good results, my school teachers love me a lot. Nevertheless, I was best in the mischief. My mother got several complaints about my mischief.

Girls Gang and Good Friends

In this way of life, some people become best buddies. You may find them in anywhere your life. We were a seven-member gang who were committed to doing anything for others. Ishrat Jahan Jhumur was my best friend from primary school.

Four members of the Girls’ Gang were friends from primary school. They are the children of my mother’s colleagues.

Dristi Kazi can sing and dance well. Farin has the ability to make us laugh with her words and expressions. Another gang mate Eva was the most beautiful lady among us.

I and Eva lived beside an adjacent house. As a result, our closeness grew faster. Due to house shifting, Eva had changed school and we lost our connection. When we met again, it was just after our SSC exam and she was married at that time.

Two other friends were Shetu and Snigdha. Shetu was very Stubborn while Snigdha was quite intelligent and clever. Other than Eva, we all had completed our SSC level from the same school as our best buddies.

Even after many years of SSC, we do hang out at a suitable time of year. On that occasion, we try to live our life as that girl’s gang member which we have left for years.


I did not get pocket money from my parents at the SSC level. I was not familiar with the concept of having pocket money. School Tiffin was the real entertainment for me at that time. The tasty cake, patties, roll, bun, etc. were the regular food we ate at the tiffin periods.

Although the food was cheap, the food quality was mind-blowing. I can still remember that taste.

Class Party

In our time, it was just the beginning of the concept, Class Party. Mostly, it was a part of the home economics class until we were in class eight. Most of us cooked delicious food from home and brought them to the class. Together with the teachers, we enjoyed the food.

Although these were for practical examination, most of us brought food that was cooked by our moms.

In classes nine and ten, we had started bringing a small amount of money from home to arrange a larger class party, especially on the last Thursday of the month after the end of class. On Thursday the classes were over at tiffin time.

We bought food and various decorative items with money. Before the day of the class party, we decorated the classroom like a party center. The days were full of amazement and fun. After ended up this party, we were responsible to clean the classroom.


The last day of Secondary school is always the shine of my life. It was like a class party but we did not become happy like the others because we all knew that it might be our last meeting in school as a classmate.

We arranged for the coolest party in our school forever. Principle madam and other teachers were present there to wish us luck. Some of them delivered their speech but we were speechless.

I tried to say some words to my junior, classmates, and teachers but could not finish them at all. My eyes become faded with water and suddenly I discovered that I forgot what I wanted to tell.

Some Extra Events of Secondary School

When I was in class nine, I liked to participate in various debate competitions. I was very good at the debate. I was a participant in most of the debate competitions in my time if it was within Dhaka.

Most of the debate, I attended was without the concern of my mother. She hated my participation in competitions because she had a doubt about losing my concentration on study.

I studied continuously at night and my mother sat beside me till the end of my study. My father gave me some support at this level and took me everywhere I wished to attend.

At this stage with the help of my father, I started to live my will.

Life in the College

After passing the SSC with a GPA of 5, I went to BCIC College. Although most of my classmates joined another famous college, I and my best friend Jhumur were admitted to BCIC College.

My college life was very boring and monotonous. I hardly managed to get a friend at that time. After having a cheer in Secondary School life, it was really very shocking for me to have almost zero friend circle in college life.

The mobile phone started buzzing its beep everywhere at that moment but we were not very familiar with it.

Family Crisis

When I was in my second year, my family fell into great trouble. My father became jobless after being the best employee for consecutive many years.

It was in the years of political crisis moment of Bangladesh. Some picketer threw a bomb inside the store and a customer died and a few were injured. My father was also injured at that blast.

Unfortunately, my father became jobless. All members of my house become very frightened. I could not concentrate on my study for many days. We were in a severe economic crisis.

It took my family around a year to overcome the crisis. By this time I sat for HSC but could not manage to get a GPA of 5 at that time.

After HSC

After HSC I joined a medical college admission coaching, where I saw a different view from reading my HSC book. During the family crisis moment, I tried hard to make the necessary preparation for medical college admission.

Every day, I went to farmgate by bus to attend classes at Retina Coaching Center. After a few months of preparation, I sat for the medical exam but could not get a chance for admission.

All the members of my house were shocked but could not say a single word to me. After the failure in the Medical project, I did not sit for any other admission exam except at Dhaka University. But I could not make it also there.

Admission to Dhaka City College

After the failure in getting admission to medical college, I was admitted to Dhaka City College in CSE. I started enjoying my Bachelor’s level. I made some good friends with whom I am still connected through social media.

At that time going to City College by bus from Mirpur 1 was very difficult and troublesome for girls. Excessive hot summer made the journey in traffic like staying in hell.

Moreover, often there was the problem of molestation. I was not able to familiar with the road rush and become sick. My parents became afraid and discontinued my study at Dhaka City College.

Life in the University

After discontinuing going to Dhaka City College, I got admitted to the Bangladesh University of Business Administration (BUBT). The campus was very near to my home.

Bachelor in CSE in BUBT

Although CSE is very new to me, I tried hard to become the topper of my batch and scored the highest CGPA within my batch.

The most interesting thing was the campus was just five minutes far from my house. I started making friends after boring college life. Tanjida became my closest friend of mine at that time. We started doing group study and enjoyed that new pattern of reading.

Coding was very new to me at that time and I found myself as an alien coder. It continued for the next four years. I found issues in the subjects related to programming.

On the other hand, I was very good at analytical subjects like data mining, numerical analysis, artificial intelligence, neural network, etc.

I have a publication on a neural network with two of my respected teachers.

Moving to our Own Flat

In the second year of my university life, we shifted from a rented house to our own house in Mirpur 2. It was like a dream came true. My parents sacrificed a lot for owning this house.

All of us were very happy after owning this house.

I lost my Father

When I was in my final year of study, my father has a mild stroke when he was in our native village. The village physician started pushing glucose to him for around twenty hours although he was a critical patient of type II Diabetes.

One of our family relatives who is a famous neurologist went to Kotalipara and brought my father to Dhaka. He was then admitted into National Heart Institute.

All the way I was with him. He was almost faint but still searching for me. Although it was a minor attack, due to high Diabetes, his organs stopped functioning.

That night, I was sitting beside the CCU and preparing for the next morning’s exam. Around 12 AM, doctors informed me about his critical condition and shifted him to life-support.

It was just before the Fazar Azan, my father left us in the world. We all broke up completely. I became scattered but had the responsibility to control my brother and mother. I cannot explain how much difficult the situation was. My younger brother had to sit for the board exam after 10 days after my father’s death.

We held our hands tightly to overcome this crucial moment of life and soon started living with his emptiness.

MSC in CSE in Jahangirnagar University (JU)

After completing my bachelor, I applied for MSC in CSE at JU. We have day-long classes on Friday. I enjoyed the university bus journey, food in Bottola, Cafeteria, tour in especial Van, etc.

It was only one year course but I felt like living a new life.

Job Life: Broaden My Vision

Although I had been working as a web developer in Link-up technology since the third year of my Bachelor’s course, I did not face an interview until my defense.

Prothom-Alo Jobs (Now

After a few days of my defense, I got a call from ABC radio for an interview for the post of Web Developer. I was a heartthrob fan of RJ Kebria at that time. My intention was to meet him in the office. However, I was rejected by ABC radio as they need an experienced senior developer.

But fortunately, I got the job of Jr Web Developer for one of their sister concern Prothom-Alo Jobs. It was a short journey of around a year but working under tremendous pressure and challenge was very much exciting and enjoyable for me.

I must remember the name of Humaira Sharmin mam, Head of Operation, and Tanvir Ahmed, Manager who taught me to be professional in decision making.

After a year, when I got admitted to JU I found the continuation of the job very much difficult for me. As a result, I preferred MSC instead of my job.

Started My Career as a Content Writer

While doing MSC I was searching for an alternate option to build up a strong career ahead as I did not find interest in coding anymore.

At that time I started working as a freelance content writer on different online platforms like Guru, Upwork, Fiver, etc. I got my first project on Guru. After that, I struggled so much to enrich my capability of writing and established myself as a better content writer. But I never gave up and kept trying to go ahead and learn all the phases of different types of SEO-friendly writing. My husband supported me a lot through this journey.

After my MSC course, I joined Babylon Resource Limited (BRL) as a technical writer. After a few months, I joined BdCalling and continued for around one and a half years. I was a content writer and editor for the amazement site for them. Later I joined their affiliate project and worked as project coordinator of two mega affiliate sites, where I researched keywords, selected writing patterns and products, edited articles, and did On-page SEO.

Later I joined some initiatives like Oracle Marketer as a content magician. I also worked for Khan IT as a creative content writer.

In between, I have worked for many national and international clients as a freelance writer and local SEO expert.

Marital Life: Get Wings to Fly

When it comes to personal life, I really enjoy talking about it. I have already told about any events of my life which are not complete for me.

Marriage brings me freedom in my life

Most of the women of our society say marriage destroys their career while I get most of the inspiration for work from my husband. During my MSC course, I got married to a pharmacist named Rana. It was really very difficult for me to believe how someone can not react even to huge issues.

It was a complete arrange marriage. I never met my husband before until our family arranged for a formal meeting for us. At the first meeting, I loved the way he talked and expressed himself. I found him honest and caring. After our approval, our family decided to tie our knot.

We got together on 22nd March 2015. Just after marriage, we faced so many cruel realities together. The days were hard for us. We shouted so much to one another. But we never left our hands in any trouble. Still, our taste is so different from each other but somewhere our mentality matches the best. As both of us remain busy with our work, but still, manage our time and often go for dinner together for spending some quality time.

We went to Kuakata on the first year of our marriage for our honeymoon. Those 2 days were just magical for us. Last month we have visited Bandarban and after a long time, we managed some time to spend alone.

He has never forced me to do anything like keeping or leaving a job. I find him always beside me as the strongest patron in my battle. He is always ready to protect me from any type of suffering and distress. I admire him to motivate me continuously whenever I get depressed and blame myself as a failure.

Having Twin Baby

Becoming a mother is the most desired dream of a woman. A baby is a blessing from Allah while a twin is very rare for a normal pregnancy. Each moment of my pregnancy was not very enjoyable because I did not get my husband beside me all the time especially for the last few months due to having a European Audit in his organization.

After a few months of hard work when the news came as a failure, all of our dreams were ruined. At that moment, I saw the true power of patience in him. I observed how much effort he put in to overcome the loss as the biggest success of his life.

In that terrible time, we got our two angels in our life as the best gift from the Almighty. We get the power of fighting back against all miseries from them.

My twin baby was born on 2nd December 2017 in Delta Health Care in Mirpur 11. Within a few days of their birth, all the people beside us vanished. Many of them told about support but no one all was busy with their regular activities.

The memory of those days still gives me goosebumps. I was an amateur as a mother and was so weak at that time. I did not get proper time for healing the stress of my Caesar. I took care of my twin by myself as I did not have any helping hand. My mother, mother-in-law, and some other neighbors and relatives tried to support me but all those were temporary. I also screamed loud with my babies as it was so difficult to handle them alone. My husband wanted to help me and give time to the babies but at that time he was extremely busy at his office changing his biggest failure into the ultimate success.

At the age of their tenth month, my mother managed a nanny for her grandchildren. Within a few days, the nanny becomes very expert and a favorite to my children. I got a breath of peace that time. At last, I could manage some time for myself. At that moment, I decided to get back into my work and joined Khan IT as a creative content writer.

Besides other work, I write around 30 to 45K words in a month. Although I have written for many topics, affiliate and product review writing is most favorite to me.

Started Career With weDevs

When I saw my babies are in safe hands, I decided to do a full-time job instead of freelance writing. I wanted to nourish my qualities to get a successful career as a renowned digital marketer. I want to learn all the phases of digital marketing.

I applied to weDevs and after 2 assignments, 1 written exam, and 2 vivas, I was finally selected as a content marketer. I joined weDevs on 8th July 2019.

Now, it’s been 38 months since I have been working in weDevs. And after getting 2 promotions now my position is “Content Strategist”.

I learned a lot from my current working place. It becomes my second family. Throughout the journey, all my co-workers give me the best support to elevate my courage as well as my knowledge. We’ll get to know details about my weDevs life in the next article.

Life in Recent Days

Well, last few years my life also going through so many changes and ups and downs due to the Corona virus.

For a long time, we did the home office. When things were getting better we again joined the physical office after long 11 months.

In the meantime, my husband shifted to Srilanka with a new position in a new company. We joined him after around 2 years after getting permission from the office to continue my job remotely from there. I stayed around 11 months in Srilanka and visited so many beautiful and ancient places there.

Last month I came back to Bangladesh and right now passing very busy days with office, meeting relatives & friends….

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